Sunday, October 17, 2010

TVR could make Corvette-powered 2012 comeback — Autoblog

The V8 issue has finally been decided: the Corvette's 638-horsepower LS9. The car it will go in is to be called the MD-1. A new question that has arisen, however, based on Smolenski's comment that he wants to "draw a line under the Wheeler era once and for all." Will the car be at all British? The MD-1 is being developed by a UK firm, but Smolenski says production could go to the Continent or South Africa just as easily.

Would a German-built, American-engined TVR still be a TVR like the Griffith and Chimera (or the Tasmin shown above)? Smolenski thinks TVR fans wouldn't think so, but he doesn't much care. He says, "What's important is to remain faithful to your brand values" no matter where you are.

I keep finding comments where the CEO of a company seems to be missing something critical in his understanding of the public's perception of their company.

Here the new owner of TVR, is missing a big part of what made TVR, TVR. it is a continuation of the british cottage car industry. That is something very few countries have ever developed. MG, Lotus and countless other low volume kit car, specialty car makers seem to dot the country side.

But the new owner sees it more as a global brand that needs global sourcing. But I am afraid here, the sourcing is the brand, and I think that the term "British Sports car" still means something.

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